Imamo 10-ogodišnje iskustvo pružanja usluga
dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije i deratizacije u:
– Ugostiteljsko – hotelsko – turističkim objektima
– Trgovačko – prodajnim objektima
– Odgojno – obrazovnim ustanovama
– Zdravstvenim ustanovama
– Domovima umirovljenika
– Vodoopskrbi, odvodnji i kanalizaciji
– Stambenim objektima (kuće, stanovi, vikendice)
– Obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima
– Farmama – klaonicama – mesnicama

Posao nam je obavljanje mjera dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije i deratizacije sa ciljem kontrole
štetnika koji mogu prenositi zarazne bolesti. Budući da je to jedan kontinuirani proces naša
misija je da ZASLUŽIMO povjerenje svojih klijenata kroz kvalitetno odrađen posao sa
kvalitetnim, modernim i ekološko prihvatljivim sredstvima i planom rada i tako izgradimodugotrajnu suradnju.

Sa našom uslugom želimo Vam osigurati sigurnost Vašeg doma ili posla i duševni mir tako da se možete posvetiti svojoj obitelji ili poslu, a ne baviti se glodavcima i kukcima koji se šeću okolo.

Osim što postoji stvarna potreba provođenja mjera dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije i deratizacije, provođenje istih ujedno je i zakonska obaveza regulirana Zakonom o zaštiti pučanstva od zaraznih bolesti.
Oliver Lovely's girlfriend had the most interesting life. She grew up in a small town in Maine, and as a child, she loved to go out on adventures with her friends. She would often explore the woods near her home, or go on long walks on the beach. Oliver met her during her sophomore year at college. They had been dating for three months when he asked her to move in with him. She was hesitant at first, but soon found that she loved living in the city. They would often go out exploring the different neighborhoods and restaurants. Oliver was always busy working, but he made time for her. They would often go on walks or adventures together. She was always up for trying new things, and they would often have fun exploring new restaurants and neighborhoods. Oliver was always there for her when she needed him, and she was there for him in return. They had an amazing relationship, and they were always happy.